To change the timing belts on the Ferrari 360, the cams have to be locked in place when the belt comes off. Failure to adequately secure the cams can result in major engine damage. The Work Shop Manual for this car uses a pair of vice grips to lock the cam sprockets during the belt change. Unless the Vice Grips are really clamped hard, they can easily pop off. Too much clamping force might also damage the bearings at the end of the cam. I thought I could do something more secure and less damaging. My thought was to create a locking mechanism that wouldn't put pressure on the bearing. To do that, the space between the sprockets would need to be filled with the clamp. I started with a picture and the measurements of the inner diameter of the sprockets and the space between them. This picture shows the areas the can be used to secure the sprockets. Since this is a plastic clamp, the material bends easily under pressure so I had to come up with a way to move the for...